Issuu Downloader: The Issuu site has a lot of written works that are very useful for students in the field of education. Many good files that we will not find on other people’s blogs on this site and are also premium in nature.
However, because of the status of being a student, we are still constrained by funds so that we cannot pay for every file that we want to download and make as a reference.
Table of Contents:
ISSUU, Inc. (pronounced "issue")[1] is a Danish-founded American electronic publishing platform based in Palo Alto, California, United States. Founded in 2004 as a Danish startup, the company moved its headquarters to the United States in 2013.
ISSUU converts PDFs into digital publications that can be shared via links or embedded into websites. Users can edit their publications by customizing the design, using templates, or adding links and multimedia to the pages of their documents. ISSUU also provides tools for measuring and monetization of content.
Full version of the site:
Note: PDF is an Adobe Acrobat document. It is opened with Adobe Acrobat Reader.
Please note: Some browsers have a built-in PDF reader, so when you click on the download, the book may open in a new tab in your browser. To download the book, click the download icon/button in the tab that opens.
For sites that download and display an almost normal PDF but won't let you download, the magic command works:
From the developer console (F12). In some cases the document is encrypted - you will have to intercept it in the debugger.
There is a book in pdf format, but you can access it only through the browser. What ways and means can be used to save this book to your PC. The keys Ctrl+P and Ctrl+S do not help, only one page is printed. In the browser to print and save as a pdf the result is the same.
Open Google Chrome -> console F12
There is a link to a PDF file that is located on Google Drive cloud storage, here is an example link:
Google Drive stores all PDF files as separate picture files and when the user starts viewing the document, it is simply assembled in the web interface, at the file storage level. Knowing that these pictures go into the cache when we browse, we can pull them out of the cache and combine them into a single PDF file.
Script bookmarklet:
let jspdf = document.createElement(
jspdf.onload =
() {
let pdf =
let elements = document.getElementsByTagName(
(let i
elements) {
let img = elements[i];
"add img "
, img);
(!/^blob:/.test(img.src)) {
"invalid src"
let can = document.createElement(
let con = can.getContext(
can.width = img.width;
can.height = img.height;
con.drawImage(img, 0, 0, img.width, img.height);
let imgData = can.toDataURL(
, 1.0);
, 0, 0);
jspdf.src =
The best easy methods on how to download a pdf file from Issuu online without login.
The method is very simple and easy enough, right? Now you don’t need to worry anymore if you want to download it on the Issuu site.
There is actually a simpler way to keep access to all the free books on Issuu. Namely by installing the Issuu application to your mobile device.
Because this Issuu is available for both Android and iOS (iPhone, iPad) platforms[2]. Instead of you having to download the free book all the time, it’s better to just download and install the application.